Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Kalimat Tanpa Keterangan Waktu

Kalimat Tanpa Keterangan Waktu

1. Simple Present Tense (waktu hari ini sederhana)
(+) : She is very happy
(-) : She is not very happy
(?) : is she very happy ?

2. Present Continuous Tense (waktu sekarang sedang berlangsung)
(+) : he is washing his clothes
(-) : he is not washing his clothes
(?) : he is washing his clothes?
(-?) : is he not washing his clothes ?

3. Present Perfect Tense (waktu sempurna sekarang)
(+) : yulianza has brought my book
(-) : yulianza has not brought my book
(?) : has yulianza brought my book?
(-?) : has yulianza not brought my book?

4. Simple Past Tense (waktu lampau sederhana)
(+) : the train was ten minutes late
(-) : the train was not ten minutes late
(?) : was the train ten minutes late ?
(-?) : was the train not ten minutes late ?

5. Past Continuous Tense (waktu lampau sedang berlangsung)
Example :
(+) : i was reading book when father wached TV
(-) : i was not reading book when father wached TV
(?) : was i reading book when father wached TV ?
(-?) : was i not reading book when father wached TV ?

6. Past Perfect Tense (waktu sempurna lampau)
(+) : i had been at school when you went to Solo
(-) : i had not been at school when you went to Solo
(?) : had i been at school when you went to Solo?
(-?) : had i not been at school when you went to Solo?

7. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (waktu berlangsung sempurna lampau)
(+) : you went to the market when she had been cooking rice
(-) : you went to the market when she had not been cooking rice
(?) : you went to the market when had she been cooking rice ?
(-?) : you went to the market when had she not been cooking rice ?

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