Sabtu, 17 April 2010


Step 1 : define problem
Step 2 : define expectation
Step 3 : gather data
Step 4 : develop alternatives
Step 5 : evaluate alternatives
Step 6 : choose best alternatives
Explanation :
1. the first step, defininf the problem, is perhaps the most dofficult step. It involves careful analysis of a situation in order to state the problem and determine its cause.
2. Defining the expectation in step 2 involves stating the result that is expected once the problem has been solved. The expected result after solving the problem of low production described above would be t increare the output of the factory.
3. This information can be obtained from a variety of sources : observation, surveys, or published research.
4. Many businesses realy on computers to process, sumarize, and report data. Having sufficient data that are valid and reliable is necessary fot step 4.
5. Here the decision-maker develops feasible alternatives, or potential solutions to the problem.
6. In the fifth step, the decision-maker evaluates these alternatives interms of of the result of solution and limitations, such as time and money.
7. Finally, the the decision-maker compares the alternatives and chooses the one that has the best for providing the desire result.

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